I sat at my desk today blog hopping, when my computer froze. I logged out, logged on, signed in, signed on and went to the blog I was reading when this all started. So far, so good. Then the evil computer decided to freeze right after I wrote my wonderful, "wisdomful" comment. Again! So I closed it down for the second time, and waited. Quite calmly.
But my hubbie heard me complaining all the way in the next room. And I'm the quiet, shy type. Bwuaaa haaa!
While I waited for my computer to come back on, he graciously set up his laptop so I could continue my daily fix of blog-hop.

Now you know computers are very jealous of each other. As soon as I started typing on the laptop, my desk top came on. Then the battle began. I was merrily reading and commenting, when the laptop went off line. I kid you not. I could hear a techie laugh coming from my desk top computer. ARRGH. They will take over the world if we let them. Or at least all our time.
"And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32
Oh, great, I think I act like my computers when I don't get my way, Do I laugh when bad things happen to those I don't like? Do I compete for the admiration of others?
Well, I must reboot my bootie and and reprogram kindness and a tender heart.
Just don't let the computers near each other.
Photos: istock