This lovely tree has been here a while as you can tell by the thickness of it's limbs. And it has lovely new pink flowers blooming.
Hubbie and I went to the contemporary service at church last weekend. I love the contemporary songs with the band as much as I love the traditional songs. (Our church has both types of services.)
Of course at my age, uh hem not saying I'm that old, I bend my knees or sway a bit and clap my hands to the music. Out of the corner of my eye a few rows down to my right, I noticed a "distraction." I bent over to look. You know of course, one must be discreet when staring to appear not to stare in church. After several attempts to sway in between peoples heads, I saw her. A mid-aged adult jumping, clapping and beating air drums to the songs.

Huruumph. My "spiritualness" just pricked right out. Yes, "pricker" is a word that is a cross between a prick and sticker, which means both. She distracted me from my worship.
Then the Lord's Spirit sent a pricker into my spiritual attitude. He spoke to my soul, "With whom do you suppose, I am most pleased?" Ouuuch, Lord!
"Applause, everyone. Bravo, bravissimo! Shout God-song at the top of your lungs." Psalms 47:1 (MS)
Father, may this old pricker help support and encourage young growth, as we all lift our hearts up in praise to You.
PS-Does anyone know the name of this tree? (It was at Busch Gardens.)