Yep, you read the title right. No, not me, yuk! But this animal. Can you tell what it is?

Wait I'll zoom in and give you a better look. It's a heron on a light post in my front yard.
I'm not on waterfront property. In fact my back yard backs up to a four lane street with a Middle School on the other side. But here's this heron. He likes this corner.
Herons eat fish, lizards and stuff, and sometimes snakes! Yeah! (for those of you who read my older post.) Anyway, it still amazes me that these birds continue to roam the city instead of the beach. I suspect we have taken away most of their habitat, except by the beaches. Still, they still settle in certain spots, look for food and hang out.
You can always tell when they've eaten. (For ya'll not familiar with herons--You can see the bulge in their long neck and they shake their head to get it down. ) I like to watch them hunt. They stand perfectly still like a stick with the neck extended; when they spot something, the neck and head wave like a grass in the wind. Then it's all over.
Once satisfied, they perch and enjoy the scenery, like this one.
"For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good." Psalm 107: 9
Life has problems. Things intrude in my "habitat" and bring uncertainty, fear or sadness. But like this bird, I must adapt, and turn to the "One" I know, who can satisfy my deepest needs. Then I can sit at the end of the day and be filled with good things from God.
But hey, I'm not eating any lizards.
P.S. Check out my last "extra" post to put things in perspective.