Hubbie and I were driving through our neighborhood and passed a youth car wash at a nearby church. Two blocks from there, runs a major highway. We stopped at the red light and saw a lady walking with a car wash sign. The usual "Car Wash" with an arrow-pointing the way at the bottom.
She walked to the corner facing the highway, only to be shooed away by the guy on the corner waving a sign saying, "We Buy Gold Here," with his own arrow. She turned toward the street we were on, only to be faced with another problem. Facing our way, the arrow pointed the wrong direction. I started giggling when she tried to make the sign work by turning her body around. Her next solution was to flip the sign, but nothing was on the back.
The lady smiled at herself and snuck up to the edge of the highway, so her sign could be seen.
"The mind of man plans his way, but he Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
I can laugh at her, 'cause I do the same thing. Like when I try to print things from the computer, especially folded cards and such. It's a righty-lefty, upside-downy thing. Good grief. One time a card I made for hubbie had the front printed right nice, then nothing on the inside and he had to turn it to the back and upside down to read it! Bwuaaaahaaa.
Oh Lord, make my directions clear. Please print the arrow on both sides of my sign!