Thursday, April 19, 2012

Okay, I'm awake!

It's been a while since I've been in blog-land. I'm trying to wake up. Maybe if I admire my long nails, hmmmm a manicure would be nice but that would take up more of my time and won't help me write.
How 'bout if I sit up straight and pretend I'm alert, no one will notice my closed eyes.
But if I don't wake up, how will I know what's going on with ya'll? My head might just melt into the wall holding me up!
Okay, okay, I'm awake. A bit cross-eyed and dazed, but I'm awake and back. Oh wait, I see I put my name on this picture twice. Sooooo, maybe I'm not totally with it, but I'm here.

"Then He (Jesus) came to the disciples, and said to them, 'Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? Behold, the hour is at hand.'" Matthew 26:45 (parenthesis mine.)

Lord, you didn't say I shouldn't rest, but that I am "still" resting. May I act on Your words and not become lazy. Each hour is at hand.

Photos:karenrevans from Busch Gardens, Tampa


Jean Wise said...

I love how you link these photos with your life and with a great message. Love you, Karen!!

Jeanette Levellie said...

Oh, cute! Were these at Busch Gardens? We went to the CA one on our honeymoon. I have a photo of a parrot kissing me!

Dave said...

Welcome back Karen. I like your pictures and comments - Dave

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

This was so cute.

Julie Gillies said...

Glad to see you back in blogland, sweet Karen! Hope you feel more wakey-wakey and less sleepy. May God bless you with abundant joy and energy today!

(Love the pics!)

Autumn said...

A post right up my alley! Love the pics and for some reason, I am now sleepy. ;-)

Carol J. Garvin said...

Delightful photos! And given how long it takes me to get myself worked into a morning, I can definitely relate. Blessings to you.