I know, I know, it's already past--but hey, why not celebrate this grin all week?
Photo courtesy of my newest grandson.
Have a great week all!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Crank a Smile
Ever get caught doing something, when you thought no one was looking?
Or find your tail feathers are showing more than you'd like?
Or some days you're just plain irritated?
There's a solution. Start thanking the Lord for the blessings in your life. I know, I know, that sounds so flippant, but it's true. If you're breathing, you have something to be thankful for. And somehow, the burdens ease, the mood softens and you might just crank out a smile.
"God is all mercy and grace-not quick to anger, is rich in love. God is good to one and all; everything he does is suffused with grace. Creation and creatures applaud you, God; your holy people bless you." Psalms 145:8-10 (MS)
Help me crank a smile, not an attitude, Lord.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Walk this Way

I never know what will be out my front door on any given day. Today I saw an Ibis feeding just a few feet away. Of course you know, I ran back inside to get my camera. They feed on insects and worms in yards or small fish or mollusk in the water.
When I rounded my car, I saw the whole flock. They do like to go in groups, but at times they separate. Their long slender legs, long beaks and necks make them appear graceful, much like a swan. Until..
they start to fly away. Then it's all teenage awkwardness. Please ignore the dark streak in the pictures-that's just a palm frond in my way. I hurried to take the shot before they flew away. Ha, or maybe I just didn't notice it at all because of the birds.
"Therefore, be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise." Ephesians 6:15
Wonder what else I've done that I just didn't take the time to notice. ooops...
Thank goodness, the Lord gives us second chances, and third and fourth, and...
Photos:karenreven-if I want to claim them. :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Chocolate Gooooodness!
Here's a GREAT fudge recipe for Valentines Day. Pay no attention to the picture, I just grabbed the nearest paper, which happened to be a food magazine to copy this recipe from the Barefoot Contessa show. Can't read it? Okay, okay.
Cinnamon Chocolate Fudge
1 Can of Condensed Milk
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
2 1/2 Cups Bittersweet Chocolate Chips
3 Tablespoons Butter
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
Combine and melt over low heat, then add the vanilla. Pour into parchment paper lined pan. (Optional-sprinkle lightly with kosher salt flakes.) Put in refrigerator to set-oh about 20 minutes or so depending on how thick the layer was poured.
That it! Easy Peasy and sooo good! You could even cut the shapes into hearts with a small cookie cutter.
Now I had never made fudge with cinnamon or salt and it was delish! But I'd only put salt on part of it in case you don't like it. AND leave it out of the frig once it's set, in an air-tight container. Otherwise the salt will turn to liquid. Trust me, I know.
"O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8
If once you try the Lord, you'll see He is good. And there's no otherfudge refuge like Him. Trust me I know.
Cinnamon Chocolate Fudge
1 Can of Condensed Milk
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
2 1/2 Cups Bittersweet Chocolate Chips
3 Tablespoons Butter
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
Combine and melt over low heat, then add the vanilla. Pour into parchment paper lined pan. (Optional-sprinkle lightly with kosher salt flakes.) Put in refrigerator to set-oh about 20 minutes or so depending on how thick the layer was poured.
That it! Easy Peasy and sooo good! You could even cut the shapes into hearts with a small cookie cutter.
Now I had never made fudge with cinnamon or salt and it was delish! But I'd only put salt on part of it in case you don't like it. AND leave it out of the frig once it's set, in an air-tight container. Otherwise the salt will turn to liquid. Trust me, I know.
"O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8
If once you try the Lord, you'll see He is good. And there's no other
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Oh No You Didn't!
I looked at the napkin the same way I looked at this African Bull Toad. Yucky!
Hubby and I were at a nice restaurant and it was busy as usual. Our waiter seemed a bit frazzled but attempted to be cordial. He placed beverage napkins on the table and went to get our drinks. Meanwhile, I didn't realize I had brushed my napkin on the floor, until I couldn't find it. Before I could reach down to retrieve the little thing, "Mr. Waiter" swooped in with efficiency and picked it up and put it on the table with my drink on top! UGH!
Am I alone, or do you put things from restaurant floors back on the table? I guess he thought he was helping. I picked it up with two fingers and hid it. I wanted to say, "Hey, what are you doing? No telling what's been on that floor." But I didn't. He still had our food to bring.
"With promises like this to pull us on, dear friends, let's make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts us, both within and without. Let's make our entire lives fit and holy temples for the worship of God." 2 Corinthians 7:1 (MS)
Father, may I put away, not just hide the things that don't bring You glory. I want a clean table/temple.
Hubby and I were at a nice restaurant and it was busy as usual. Our waiter seemed a bit frazzled but attempted to be cordial. He placed beverage napkins on the table and went to get our drinks. Meanwhile, I didn't realize I had brushed my napkin on the floor, until I couldn't find it. Before I could reach down to retrieve the little thing, "Mr. Waiter" swooped in with efficiency and picked it up and put it on the table with my drink on top! UGH!
Am I alone, or do you put things from restaurant floors back on the table? I guess he thought he was helping. I picked it up with two fingers and hid it. I wanted to say, "Hey, what are you doing? No telling what's been on that floor." But I didn't. He still had our food to bring.
"With promises like this to pull us on, dear friends, let's make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts us, both within and without. Let's make our entire lives fit and holy temples for the worship of God." 2 Corinthians 7:1 (MS)
Father, may I put away, not just hide the things that don't bring You glory. I want a clean table/temple.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
How Do You Catch an Elephant?
Ha, I bet you never guessed this one! One banana at a time!
Then add a few fruits up high.
Then sit back and wait.
Yep, that worked all right!
And if you're lucky, you might just get two.
Especially if you are at Busch Gardens in Tampa.
Now, kids don't try this at home. It won't work. Although you might attract a rat, raccoon or some other type of animal which you don't want. It's all location, location, location and food.
Did I mention food? What about spiritual food? How do you feed your soul?
"God always does what he says, and is gracious in everything he does. God gives a hand to those down on their luck, gives a fresh start to those ready to quit. All eyes are on you, expectant; you give them their meals on time. Generous to a fault, you lavish your favor on all creatures." Psalms 145:13-16. (MS)
This refers to physical and spiritual food. Thank you Father for your favor and for making bananas.
Update: As of Wednesday, only 37 pythons have been killed, with more than 1,000 people signed up. Sneaky little snakes, they are. (See post below.)
Busch Gardens,
Psalms 145: 13-16,
spiritual food,
Tampa FL
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Python Hunt!
Guess what? Florida is holding a python competition! Reckless snake owners tend to let these reptiles go in our Everglades when they get too big. Now our small wildlife seems to be disappearing. Even other regional snakes and small gators. Estimates are that they have wiped out more than 90 percent of our mammals in the Everglades.
According to the experts and hunters, pythons are expert at camouflage.
The hunt began January 12 and ends February 10th. There is a $1,000 reward to the hunter who bags the most reptiles. (There are rules, of course and you have to sign up.)
Okay, who's with me? Bwuaaahaaa. NOT!!!
"A common sense person lives good sense; fools litter the country with silliness." Proverbs 13:16 (MS)
Lord, help me pick up my physical, spiritual and emotional litter. May I not be a reckless owner of the gifts that You've given me for living.
Florida 2013,
Proverbs 13:16,
python hunt,
reckless owners
Monday, January 21, 2013
Little Teasers
I'm gonna call this one little squirrel, "Come-on-big-boy." He is always teasing my dog, Major.
"COBB" seems to know when it's time for Major to go out to do his, well, ummm, business. So Cobb and his buddies decide to scamper up and down our trees which go completely around our back yard and into the neighbors. Then Major forgets what he was let out for...sigh.... That squirrel also knows just how low he can go before Major reaches him. Then Cobb sits and stares, or eats another acorn, dropping the shells which makes Major even more excited. I can tell it's the same squirrel because of his face markings.
Now I love squirrels and all, but it's not always convenient for me to chase my dog around right before work, or when I need to leave.
I seem to have Cobbs in my life too, beckoning me to do things other than what I know I need to do. Sometimes throwing just an idea in my head distracts me. It might be as easy as a load of wash that beckons, irritating me. Am I alone?
"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways." Psalm 139:1-3
The Lord knows just what will distract me, yet He waits with watch-care over me, until I realize what I should be doing instead. Then He leads me back onto the way. Thank you, Father.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I stopped to get gas today after work. First off, it's gone up in price again. Snarly face. I got out and swiped my gas card, entered the info and the machine read, "see cashier." What? I thought maybe I hit a wrong number on my zip code. So I tried again. Hurumph. Same message.
So, did I go to the cashier? Nooooo, I thought I'd try another pump. So pulled around to a different pump, got my Shell card off the dash and realized...yes, you guessed it, I was at the Mobile station! Sigh....
I was all stirred up about something that was my fault. Know what I mean? Stomping about, blood pressure rising, getting a sweat going. A tad humbling, isn't it?
I wonder how my life would be if I always dashed about in all things? Whoooeeeee.
"And here's why: God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding. He's a rich mine of Common Sense for those who live well, a personal bodyguard to the candid and sincere. He keeps his eye on all who live honestly, and pays special attention to his loyally committed ones." Proverbs 2:6-8 (MS)
Thank you Father, for being my guard and common sense. Keep giving me that free Wisdom!
photos:of daughter
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Whoo Hoo, Happy New Year!!! (A bit late)
Look what Christmas brought this Grammy!
Caleb Allen Evans was born 12-21-12!
Isn't that that the best gift ever??
I now have two Christmas "babies," Caleb and hubby! :)
Hoping to get to see him soon. Face time and photos sure did help bridge the distance a bit, but can't wait to get my big mitts on this little one.
I'm expecting lots of new things this year. How 'bout y'all?
"Your love, God, is my song, and I'll sing it! I'm forever telling everyone how faithful You are." Psalm 89:1 (MS)
My heart and soul are singing...don't know if you want to hear the real thing, so I'm writing away...does that count?
Happy New Year and New Birth!
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