Saturday, August 28, 2010
And the Winner Is....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Malacca Conspiracy

The Malacca Conspiracy is a page burner. I couldn't flip the pages fast enough to see who was going to get what next! The story is set around the Strait of Malacca, between Indonesia and Malaysia, an area which I was not familiar. Now it is seared in my brain. And it sweeps wide to the United States and other countries.
This book, set in current time, has spies, politics, assassinations, nuclear plots, and of course a bit of romance. I cringed, hoped, despaired and found faith while reading. It's a great Christian thriller. I'm going to get more of his books.

Saturday, August 21, 2010
No More Wimpy Wimpy--and Contest

Anyway, the Lord saw him safely through. Now I'm unashamedly touting one of his new adventures. Diesel's Seasonings. David has created his own spice line for meats. His first seasoning is for burgers, now you can't beat a good burger! For this he's tapped into a bit of his spicy cajun heritage.
David has declared a war on bland. No more wimpy meats.
Oh, he got that nickname in the Marines....absolutely NO diesel is combined in his seasoning....lol....
Diesel's Seasonings. Please check out his site.

**Tell me how you like your favorite hamburger, toppings and all, and the most delicious sounding will win a free bottle of Diesel's Seasoning for Burgers!!
"I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." 3 John 4
Just Diesel It!
(Approved by the Virginia Department of Agriculture.)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wired Birds
Have you seen this amazing you tube post? Birds on the wire song--Made by Jarbas Agnelli after he saw birds on a wire and that they looked like notes on a music staff. Then he composed this song from their position on the wires.
I read one comment how birds seemed to give music/praise to God just by their position on the wires. I will never look at "wired" birds the same again.
"He sends forth springs in the valleys, they flow between the mountains, they give drink to every beast of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst. Beside them the birds of the heavens dwell; they lift up their voices among the branches." Psalm 104:10-12
I just wonder, if God's creatures give Him praise all the time, by just their positions? That's so wonderfully interesting.
Does my position, the one I'm in now, give praise to God? Do I give God joy?
I want my life to be seen as lovely music to God's ears.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Palm Protection

He chased this squirrel up the palm and is waiting for it scramble down. Yeah right. This little one knows he's safe up in the tree, although my dog is just feet away.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
What the Hay?
I know,....the other elephant snuck up behind her and gently put it on her back while she was sleeping. Now she walks in front of the "hayed" elephant, so she can't see her snickering.
"Pile your troubles on God's shoulders--he'll carry your load, he'll help you out." Psalm 55:22 (Message)
Is my pile of hay obvious to others and not to me? What burden do I feel I need to keep close, for security, or because "I can handle it," instead of placing it on God's shoulders?
Father, help me shake off the hay and walk confidently next to you.
Photo:karenevans at Busch Gardens, FL
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Uhhh, Huhhh
You practice words and sounds over and over. Why? Just to hear the words? No, because, usually it starts with, "Mama-Mama-Mama, or Da-Da-Da-Da," over and over again until you yell, "stop."
But you want them to spend time learning so as they can communicate thoughts, feelings, and wants. Then you find out what's really going on in their little heads. You can anticipate what they are thinking and how they relate to things. (Now that can be good or bad!)
Oh, and then there's the stage where you can't get them to shut up-but that's for another post.
"And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition....for you Father knows what you need, before you ask Him." Matthew 6:7-8
Do my repetitive prayers sound like Da-Da-Da....to my Lord, over and over again? If God knows what I want, why pray?
Could it be He wants to communicate with me so I can know more about Him? I love talking in earnest with my children. Do I talk in earnest with my heavenly Father?
Lord, may I give you joy, this day with deep conversation with You.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Yuk, Look at That!
Notice a tear rolling down the side, as if it knows it's not right.