The rainy season is upon Florida. Luckily the showers are short. But it means my dog, Major who is white, comes in from outside full of wet sand, yes sand. We are so close to the beach we have no soil. Plus his long white hair likes to grab leaves, stickers or anything else it can get it's tentacles on.
So--rain is not always fun. But I am trying to remember my challenge to you in the last post. After the rain, here's my pic of a wonder moment.
"How great are Thy works, O Lord! Thy thoughts are very deep." Psalms 92:5
I stopped and watched this crepe myrtle branch for a few minutes. Those drops of water stayed on the buds. Now I know there are scientific reasons why, like gravity, weight, and so on. But hey, God made all those laws too (deep thoughts). You may not be able to see it in the picture, but each droplet carries color from it's surroundings.
Oh may we carry our Creator's colors.
Let me know if you have a special "wonder worship" moment.
Oooh, what a gorgeous photo! I love the reflection of colors in the drops. Lovely.
Our wonder worship moments lately occur as we watch the hummingbirds outside our dining room window. Normally they are all motion, keeping their tiny wings stirring up the air around them as they sip sugar water from the feeder. But occasionally one will perch on a stalk of a nearby sunflower, to rest and wait his turn on the feeder.
This is true worship: being still before God, slowing down, waiting. It happens so rarely in our own lives as well as the hummers' lives. But it's a WONDERful thing when we stop and perch and listen.
Love, Jen
Thanks Jeanette, I surprised myself at how well this pic came out!
Ooo, how 'bout trying to get a pic of those tiny birds? You are so right about slowing down.
luv ya
Karen, I have been negligent about reading your post. The last two are beautiful. I didn't know you were a photographer. You have so many talents.
And these worship moments could become a book!!!
Loved them.,
Thanks Clella
I'm not a photographer, but I'm trying to look closer to appreciate the wonder all around me.
Your words are too kind.
luv ya
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