I never know what will be out my front door on any given day. Today I saw an Ibis feeding just a few feet away. Of course you know, I ran back inside to get my camera. They feed on insects and worms in yards or small fish or mollusk in the water.
When I rounded my car, I saw the whole flock. They do like to go in groups, but at times they separate. Their long slender legs, long beaks and necks make them appear graceful, much like a swan. Until..
they start to fly away. Then it's all teenage awkwardness. Please ignore the dark streak in the pictures-that's just a palm frond in my way. I hurried to take the shot before they flew away. Ha, or maybe I just didn't notice it at all because of the birds.
"Therefore, be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise." Ephesians 6:15
Wonder what else I've done that I just didn't take the time to notice. ooops...
Thank goodness, the Lord gives us second chances, and third and fourth, and...
Photos:karenreven-if I want to claim them. :)