Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday Slump

No post today, I'm in a slump,
I'm sorry to say,
My fingers are typing the nano way.
10,000 words is all I lack,
To finish before December's back.

My mind is mush, I think I'll hush,
because I don't know how to end this.
Wonder if I'll make it?

Have a wonderful weekend. I'll let you know how I did either Monday or Tuesday.

Blessings to All

Photo: karenevans

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving is Forever

Without going into a litany of all the many blessings I am thankful for, I will try to sum it up in one sentence. I am thankful for the air that I breathe all the way down to my grandchildren's toes. Well, I think that about encompasses everything.

But my soul will never tire to thank the Lord for what He has done for me. I'll use this poem written years ago by a dear family friend to express some of what I feel.

October winds do gently blow
The oak tree stands secure
But, now and then a leaf will fall
To knock on earth's green door.

God made the tree; He stirred the winds
Oh! marvel, man, and cry
For this same God has saved my soul
Dear God, I wonder why?

Why, my Savior? Why choose me?
Oh, I was so unworthy.
Overwhelmed by Thy love,
My heart cries out, "Such mercy!

I love you, Lord, with all my heart
For what you've done for me,
And, like the gallant, stately oak,
I'll stand secure in Thee."

My Strength is Made Perfect in Thee by Bill Magee

Have a Joyous and Happy Thanksgiving All!

Bill Magee on the left accompanied by his pastor, Bill Stowell. Picture taken this year.

Photo: karenevans

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Water Drops

You won't believe this video! You can only see it because the camera takes the pictures at 2,ooo frames a second. Please watch it all the way through. I'm amazed at how much we still have to learn about our world.

Water acts like elastic? When it rains each drop bounces several times before it submerges with the whole puddle? Wonder what a rain storm really looks like to God? Does His ears hear each drop like the sound effects on that video? To me that is soooo cool!

But the shower picture and the comments really hit me. Waters elasticity is what holds the water drops together. Otherwise, how would it behave? Would the water be like a solid wall crashing down on us?

So many questions, but this I know,

"For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:16-17

Our God holds each drop and holds each of us. Some of what's invisible to our naked eyes, we can now see with technology. How many more surprises does our Creator have in store for us?

All I gotta' say is: Way to Go God! You are Awesome!

I'm so glad water's soft.

Photo: karenevans

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clean Up My Act

I can't believe it, another award? Oh, no, I couldn't, really you shouldn't, okay I will, and thank you dearest Melinda! I love her blog and this award is a small look representing her mother/child reality blog. If you haven't visited her, she's witty, charming and digs all the dirt out from her kids antics. Blessings to you, dear friend.

Because this is a clean award, I guess I must tell something dirty and come clean. Here it is. When I was a child I hated taking baths. I thought what a waste of good playing time. If I wasn't too dirty, I would swish and splash the water around like I was in the bath, but never get in. You know, all that time soaping and drying and stuff. Unless I was actually "looking" dirty, I did not bathe. (This was before I needed deodorant--I'm almost positive.)

"The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgements of the Lord are true; they are righteousness altogether." Psalms 19:9

This reminds me of how I act toward the Lord sometimes. I wait until I can see the dirt and then I go and confess what stares me in the face. And what about the grime I don't see, or think about? I believe I need to confess anything that might hinder my relationship with Him-even asking forgiveness for unconscious sins. And you know what? He then usually shows them to me. I'm sure He would rather not walk with a "stinky" child. But, hey, you know what, He does.

Lord, clean me down to my toe nails.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thanks to All the Players

"I do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers." Ephesians 1:16

Thanks to all who wanted to play. I hope you had a bit 'o fun. Others who played the game are:

Amy, author of several romance books.

Laura, mother of five boys and all of'em red heads, whose book is being edited for release next year.

Jeanie, writer and speaker extraordinaire, and spiritual guru.

Johnnie, who is finishing up with her new exciting historical spy novel.

And check the post below for a few more players, if you have not already visited their sites.

Thanks, luv ya.

photo by Melissa Evans

Saturday, November 14, 2009

5 Word Game

Hey, hey, hey,

Karyn, has already written her five words.

Parsley drank coffee and her fingers flew over the keyboard! BTW, she is offering a chocolate giveaway on her blog. Whoo Hoo! (Sign up by Nov. 20.)

Come on ya'll, this is fun reading what others wrote. I'll check back and post other blogs as they let me know. (See post below for instructions.)

The Five Word Game

Diane gave me five words to use in a story or post. This one is true. So here goes!

Puppies, puppies everywhere! In among those is our Major. We took this picture at the breeder's, Hidden Meadows, where different colored ribbons are tied around the puppies necks to distinguish them for prospective buyers. We held different ones to see if we could tell their temperament. Not.

This is the one we chose. Mr. Orange ribbon. Here is Major at four weeks.

We didn't hold him long before he started to whine for his mom and get back in the box. Before some had even finished eating, little yellow spots appeared in the box or wading pool where they stayed. (Hey, this is Florida, what do you expect.) That's why the breeders had plenty of blankets around.

Once we got Major home, he had to taste all the flavors and textures around him. (I found Granny's Bitter Apple spray worked wonders.)

And finally, when that darling pup slept, I wanted to just squeeze that cute little fur ball to death.

"You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should bear much fruit." John 15:16

Okay you knew I had to add a scripture, right? Just as we picked Major, the Lord picked us to be His children. How many times do I whine and fuss like a baby when I am taken out of my "box?" How many times does He get my hands and feet out of trouble? But the whole time I know He loves me, and even watches over me as I sleep. Who could ask for more?

Okay, here's the deal. If anyone wants to play, I'm changing the game up a bit. Uh oh?! Well anyway,I will list the five words below. Then whoever wants to use them in a post let me know in the comments, then I will list all the participants in the next post on Monday. That way we can hop over to all the blogs and see the different stories, real or made up-you decide.

And the words are:

Zone, Ring, Dust, Pineapple, Elephant.

Have fun! Can't wait to read them.

Photos by karenevans

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

God Bless Veterans

My son, David served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I love those who serve or have served giving of their lives, time and effort for us and our country. This is just to say:


I want to leave you with this scripture of encouragement.

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable, He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary." Isaiah 40:28-31

God bless each and every one of you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Am SOOO Thankful!

If this is what happens when I go out of town, I might need to leave more often. No, really, I found two, wow, two awards this past week just waiting for me. The first one is this Humane award, graciously given by Diane. She explained that this award is for showing compassion, kindness and I guess, take in strays. :) Truly I am honored and I thank you Diane. So I must pay this forward to others.

Parlsey, who loves animals and family and God.

Kathy, whose family children are both biological and adopted and has plans to adopt more.

Johnnie, whose tender heart and skilled writing encourages this stray to keep on writing.

Jeanie for her spiritual wisdom and kindness to others.

Clella who not only uses her wisdom and teaching skills to help me, but has promised to help me work on my wardrobe, to be classy like her. ;)

Thank you, Bina for the Honest Scrap award. I'm not sure what all that is, but according to the picture, looks like hard work and down to earth writing. I couldn't write "fancy" if I tried, which I did once and believe me, it didn't work. Again thank you. And this award must go to the following.

Kathryn, who speaks exactly what's on her mind, and is now a proud grandma!

Karyn, whose blog is beautiful and gives such yummy recipes and where I want to relax with a cup of tea.

Janna and her honesty about life and her wonderful thoughts.

Laura for her truth in raising boys, or any children for that matter, with tips for all situations.

Stephanie for her total honesty about the trials and experiences in life.

So all ya'll come on by and pick up your award. Thanks again to Bina and Diane.

Sorry I am late posting this and reading your blogs, but, I was visiting my grandkids, oh, and of course their mom and dad last week in VA. Just had to show off a pic or two. My other thankful things.

You see why I'm thankful!

My blog runneth over!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Snails Eye View

"One cold February day a snail started climbing an apple tree. As he inched slowly upward, a worm stuck its head from a crevice in the bark to offer some advice. "You're wasting your energy. There isn't a single apple up there."

"There will be when I get there," he said.


As I work on my no-telling-where-my-story-will-end-up Nano novel, it's at this first week that I slow down. My first thoughts are on paper and I feel like a snail, now what? I just keep writing forward and try to reach that shiny 50,000 word apple.

"Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

God prompts me to "keep on" even if my tree is knotty or scratchy or tall. I need to look toward and upward, He says, to the prize and not look down. He never told us our journey would be easy, but His companionship, strength and help is there for me. So if something slimy tries to tempt and discourage me, I must be like the snail, and ask God to help me remember His reward will be there, when I arrive.

Keep your eye on the apple.

Photo by istockphoto