Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Gift of Grace

Wonderful, light reading. Amy Clipston gives the reader insight into the life-ways of the Amish, in this first book of the series. The Amish community has doubts when Rebecca Kauffman and her husband take in her two nieces, Lindsay and Jessica, to live with them after the girls parents are killed in an accident. The book deals with the complications that arise for both the girls and Rebecca’s Amish family.

Jessica does not like the Amish ways, except for a couple of good looking boys. She wants to go back home and live with family friends after she stumbles into one mistake after another. No one knows the turmoil of guilt she feels surrounding her parent’s death.

Lindsay seems to fit right in. She is the complete opposite of her sister. However, I found that her adjustment occurred too quickly without much conflict and only partial conflict between her and her sister.

This crossover book will relate to teens, and young adults. I think the questions for discussion at the end of the book add good depth to the story. Even though the book was a little “young” for me, I found the characters stayed in my head because of her character building. I would read the following series, just to see resolution of the problems.

About the Author:
Amy ClipstonAmy Clipston is a first-time author and member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). She holds a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan College and works full-time as a public information specialist for the City of Charlotte, NC. Amy lives in North Carolina with her husband and two sons.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bark at the Ball Park 2009

We went to "Bark at the Ball Park" today and wanted to share some pictures for all you dog lovers. Three times a year the Clearwater Threshers minor league baseball team allows the Humane Society of Pinellas to have a dog day during the game. Yes, you have to pay for your four-legged friend, but it all goes to the Humane Society.

There are big dogs, and little dogs, and some dress up for the special occasion.

The Humane Society has raffles and T-shirts you can buy and all sorts of fun stuff. You can be in the stands, or hang out in the grassy areas. A fan favorite moment is when someone hits a foul ball and they play a door bell sound-all the dogs bark.

Then here's my dog, Major after a rousing day of meet and greet, or rather, wag and sniff. He's not too spoiled. Hey, we are empty nesters, what can I say!

Was a good time. Enjoy your family pets.

ps. Click on the pictures to enlarge-of course you probably already knew that.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

SUNrise over My Nation

“To give to His people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the SUNrise from on high shall visit us, to shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:77-79

I stood three days ago in the darkest day since creation, and now dawns the most glorious morning. People cry with joy and run about absolutely shimmering with excitement. Can it be true? The tomb is empty? Yes, yes it is!

Those in power want to squelch the news. My nation is the same, but now life and light shine in my heart. Hope lives in the midst of my circumstances. Forgiveness and peace pierce the murkiness of my heart. I see and believe. I fear not what the future brings. He is ALIVE!

Praise be to God

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Nation is a Mess

I look around and see people in sorrow, fear and frustration.

  • Established laws are changed for a particular agenda

  • There are taxes upon taxes

  • Laws are passed that devalue life

  • Leaders cannot recognize right from wrong

  • The eternal evidence of truth is ignored

  • Rulers talk disparagingly of good and right

  • The bad go free and the good are imprisoned

  • Nations disregard the truth

  • The world trembles and fears the future
  • People incite mobs with wild rhetoric

  • Will evil take over?
  • What can we do?
  • Is there any hope?

My heart is breaking. Is there no one to stand up to this atrocity?

Haunting thoughts from one standing in the dark of day near the foot of the cross at Golgatha.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why didn't I think of that sooner?

Well, it took a while for Ace's book and message to sink in, but last Sunday I followed one of his suggestions.

We attend a large church that has a deaf ministry. There is a special lady who signs during the song service and I enjoy watching her every time. Her body, face and hands express the songs and beat in a beautiful orchestrated rythm. You can see her love for the Lord in her signing. I mention this to my husband each time, but never do anything. Then it hit me-duh-write a note and tell her. And that's what I did. I don't know her name-but know the note will be forwarded. I just want her to know we appreciate her ministry.

"But with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." Philippians 2:4-4

Thank you Ace, I should have done that a long time ago.