Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who's to Blame?

Can you see what this says? "Cannot display web page."

I am posting today using my hubby's wireless connection that he needs for work. I'm sorry I haven't visited ya'll this week-but this is why. My cable connection would work for a minute, then cut out. Or it wouldn't open any emails-just sat there spinning, spinning and even that got slower.

Oh my, then the wheel stopped. Frustration and aggravation! I am just fit to be fried. I had planned to do a lot of research and rewriting this past weekend for the upcoming Florida Writers Conference, which is the first week in March. But nooooo.  

I have a bit of hope, tomorrow the cable guy comes out with a new modem!

Now, all this is that bit of wire and it's connection's fault or the cable service, right? Noooooo. Mine. I have waited until the last weeks to buckle down and write. Tell me I'm not alone.

"Whatever your hand finds to do, verily do it with all your might." Ecclesiastes 9:10

Why do I wait? Lord may I not blame others for things I need to take care of in my life.


Hilary said...

I hope tomorrow's modem resolves the problem.

Diane said...

See how that devil wants to halt your progress and steam???? Hope it gets resolved quick. Hugs :O)

Jean Wise said...

Technology is sooooo frustrating. But whose to blame? I ask that all the time and my hubby wisely says why do we need to assign fault? just fix it and go on... gotta love that laid back attitude.....

Stephanie Faris said...

My parents were having pretty consistent connection problems. They ended up switching to AT&T because Comcast apparently can't get their neighborhood fully functional.

IanH said...

I hope the new cable works out for you.

In the meantime "Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?"

Kathy Cassel said...

I don't have anything new to take to conference. I am sooooooooooo lazy when I'm not on a deadline. It seems like no one is ever looking for children's books. NF preteen preferrably. But I do need to get my after hours session planned.

Jeanette Levellie said...

So sorry this happened to you, dear. Don't blame yourself. My hus. says God never asks for regret; only repentance. You can do that! I love you.

Cassandra Frear said...

What amazes me is how often things like this happen with our modern technology. No wonder some folks can have careers just fixing problems.

Karen said...

Hilary, it finally was fixed yesterday in the afternoon, after TWO different techies came by!

Oh, Diane, thanks, I needed that perspective.

Oh Jeanie, I like that attitude, too!

Stephanie, it seems to be a blessing and a curse.'m exactly that way, sometimes....

Kathy, I know you'll be ready!

I like that saying your husband uses, thanks!

Cassandra, sometimes I still feel like I'm in the Ice Age compared to many.

Janean said...

lol! you are not alone. i so dislike dealing with our cable company...WAITING on the phone, trying to explain and afraid it'll be something that shows my ignorance. haha! my honey refuses, so it's always me, but procrastinating doesn't help. *sigh* :)