Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hallelujah Post!

Extra post!

My friend Kathy is now home with her twins from Haiti!! They are safe and sound.

Just HAD to share and rejoice with her!

Luv Ya Kathy

Please go and see her kids!


Auntie Cake said...

So wonderful!!! I have been wanting to hear some good stories coming out of Haiti. So glad to finally hear of some glimpses of goodness in the midst of such despair. It will be a very long time before Haiti can recover, but stories like this give us hope!

Bina said...

Praise God!!!

LOVE the new layout!

Anonymous said...

Great news!

Love the new blog format. Softer.... :O)

Parsley said...

What wonderful news! I praise the Lord with you!

Jeanette said...

What wonderful news! Josh and Keelie both send their best as well.

Wendy Paine Miller said...

It's things like this that make my day!
~ Wendy

Karen said...

Kate, I know, I'm still rejoicing.

Bina, thanks, I finally understood how to do it. :P

Diane, thanks, your's is really cool!

Parsley, we'll do that together!

Jeanette, thank all ya'll.

Wendy, makes mine too. God is good.

Hilary said...

That must be such a relief.

Libbie said...

Yeah!!! Rejoice like crazy! :) I just thought right away f friends & family relieved to have them back but they have to be so happy too! Thanks for sharing the praise!

Kathy Cassel said...

Three days with no sleep--felt almost like conference!

Karen said...

Hilary, relief and hard time now, as the adopted twins get used to America and post truama.

Libbie, yes, much praise!

Kathy, I know you are tired. Lots of work still ahead for your family, but what a joy! Blessings.