Saturday, October 30, 2010

What Are We Doing?

While in Virginia, I did something for the first time. Can you guess from this picture?  Duh, huh?

My hubbie said, all this time he thought I was taking a picture of him, but I just wanted the half eaten apple. Ha, I thought it was funny. Yes, we went apple pickin'! The orchards are on Carter Mountain, the weather was beautiful, and the paths steep. I didn't know, well yes I did, how out of shape I was. My calves were barkin' at me!

These are the Pink Lady apples. We also picked Winsap and Fuji. The mountain, packed with people, apples and the beauty of the fall leaves made for a wonderful day. 

My heart filled with joyfulness at the beauty of God's creation. How great and good is He.
"How great is Thy goodness which Thou hast stored up for those who fear Thee." Psalm 31:19 (NAS)
"What a stack of blessing you have piled up for those who worship you." (Message)

Money can't buy the blessings He gives and continues to pile up for His children.

Thank you, Father.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Pumpkin Time

I love pumpkins. I like to decorate with them, and eat pumpkin pie, cookies, lattes, cheesecakes, and anything else. I think it's because they are available only in the fall each year. They do make the holidays special.

But these are my most favorite "pumpkins!" And I love them more than those orange thingies.
My trip was marvelous! Plenty of hugs, laughter, games, and kisses. I think it's extra special since I only see them a couple of times a year. (Though I would love to see them often--forget the extra special.)

I'll not show you all my pictures at once. Smile....but you will see more of them! Be warned.

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven-- Ecclesiastes 3:1

I'm so glad the Lord planned this event for us.

Lord help me lovingly wait until the appointed time to see my family again.

How 'bout you? What are you waiting for?


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm Excited!

All-righty my dear blogger friends. I'm swapping you for a bit, to see these two daaarling grandkids. Oh, and of course my son and his wonderful wife.

I'm absolutely positive I will come back with plenty of pictures, too! I will miss you and might get a chance or two to visit---but don't hold your breath! :)

Have a great week and be back soon!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Doggie Class-Part Tres/Trey or Whatever!

(Continuation from the last two posts.)

We brought doggie treats to use as rewards for learning and accomplishments. See Major looking the opposite way from the instructor? Ha. He was tired of being told what to do.

But he sure perked up when the teacher took her turn with him. Why?

Because she was so good, smelled like doggies, or Major had a sudden inspiration to work? Noooooo.

She had chopped up beef hot dogs in her treat bag! My regular dog biscuits didn't satisfy him any more. He wanted something new. People food was the best!

But his stomach didn't think so.

So we are back to his regular dog treats.

"God's blessing makes life rich, nothing we do can improve on God." Proverbs 10:22

How many treats do I need from God to keep me working? Isn't what He's done, enough "treats" to last me an eternity? Why do I sit and turn the other way until He sends another treat? Why not just work because of love?

Lord, help me to remember You are all the reward I need.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Doggie Class-Part Deux

My Major is the white dog, second from the left. Some owners are kneeling next to their dogs in an attempt to get them to sit. Class is just so much fun and entertaining, too.

There was a dog in class who would constantly bark whenever we walked around. I thought, surely the teacher will jump on that behavior problem quickly. His bark was loud and annoying. But nooooo, she did not. I wondered why, but after a few lessons, all the dogs learned to do their work and ignore him. Now Major isn't bothered when other dogs bark. Hmmmm.

And this is cute brown dog, Jack, was Majors best doggie friend. They loved to play. At first I was hesitant because he looked mean. The upper lip would curl and he would bark. But that was his way of "smiling" and saying hi. We laughingly called him, "Snarly Jack." (We still use that term for some people.) :P

"You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am." John 13:13

Do you have "barkers" around you, either in the form of people, circumstances or personal attitudes? I know the Lord must remind me to ignore those other things and concentrate on my job. And what about the "Snarly Jacks?" I find many people, behind that rough exterior, want to enjoy friendship.

How come, Lord, dogs figure this out quicker than I?


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Doggie Classes

 Major was about a year old when I took him to class. Yes, all ya'll non-doggie persons, people do take dogs to class.

Anyway, he learned the basics, like sit, heel, stay and come...sometimes. Major is a smart, social, fun-loving guy who never meets a stranger, either human or animal.

But he didn't pass the class with flying colors. Sigh. The one command he wouldn't do was the recall-to come back to me after staying. He would run right past me to the nearest dog to play.

The teacher suggested I buy a retractable leash, so when he runs to the end, he would be stopped with a jerk. Good idea! Took one to the next class. As predicted when I called "Come," he ran past me and as the leash pulled, guess what I did? I grabbed the leash instead of letting him reach the nearest dog! Bad move! The cord burned my hand good. 

Well, the teacher said he was just too exuberant for his own good. Maybe when he's a year or two older he might calm down. (He's 3 now, still waiting.)

Sad thing is, I wanted to get him into the CGC (Canine Good Citizen) class so he could make hospital visits and such. But that one thing keeps him from passing and having a good time visiting people, which he would so enjoy.

"Come to Me....and learn from Me." Matthew 11:28,29

In this life of lessons what is the one thing that God wants to correct or teach me? Why do I insist on running ahead doing my own thing, when He wants to teach me? And yes, to finish the analogy, His teaching is always for my enjoyment and good. Have you ever felt like that?

Lord, may I come and learn.

Photos:karenevans (and Major)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Winner of the Holloween Hole

First, I will never look at this tree the same way. All your delightful comments almost had me, I said almost, on my belly peeking into the hole in the root at the bottom of this picture.

The root is hollow. A bed of carpenter ants lived there until I tripped over it a few months ago. Ugh, gross and all that! After a can of bug spray and then I think I used a bottle of Clorox they were gone. Now small little mushrooms grow there from time to time.

Your comments were all fun and clever, it was difficult to choose. Please go back and read them from the post below, you'll love'em. Since it was a Halloween genre, that helped me narrow it down, but was still hard. Thank you all for playing along! So anyway, with out further annoying chit-chat the winner is Alicia!  

"Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart." Psalm 44:21

Roots are the life of the tree. My heart leads my actions. God knows the rotten areas and those that are infested with the "uglies." He will never trip over my doings and be surprised. He knows. AND He brings out the bug spray.

Lord, I don't want any holes in my soul.

Oh Alicia, hope you enjoy your Halloween gift!


Saturday, October 2, 2010


Can you figure out what this is? I'm not gonna' tell ya until the next post.

But here's the deal; guess what it is and give me an imaginary story line to go with it. Just a sentence or two, but must be in the Halloween genre.

The winner gets a little Halloween decoration prize.

So let your imagination fly, just try!

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philipppians 3:14

At the end, I want that final prize of seeing Jesus. Wonder what other things He has in store for all His children?
